Family and Art

Does family belong with your art? Have you ever had your family reject your artwork? 

Maybe they didn’t understand it? Looking through a different pair of eyes can be objective and produce a different outlook. 

I’ve always been lucky with my family and my art. They are encouraging and give praise and even see things from a different perspective.

Recently I took my 92 year old Aunt to see my Artwork in the Keriunga Book Arts Exhibition, ‘Is it a Book?’

 ‘Reading between the Lines’ took up a whole wall and is the third rather large piece I have created. 

It blurs the boundaries of stereotypical male and female images. 

There are heads made out of fly fishing hooks, buttons, picture hooks, volume controls and a pastry brush. 

The girls clip on to the framework so I was able to take one of the girls off and show my Aunt a small photo of her printed on one of the silk dresses. Generations ago they made things my Grandmother, mother and relations. 

I wonder what the next generation will do.
