Eye of a Needle

In 2022 I took up the challenge of hand stitching an icon a day for a year. That's 365 icons, many more threading the tiny eye of a needle.

It's been a lot of fun and along the way I have learnt a few things. I decided it would be full of happiness, things I had done, people who interacted, my garden and of course my cat Bizzel is there too. When I look at it now it is colourful, cheerful and full of memories.

I used a 10inch hoop.  Would use a 12 inch if I did it again as small icons are hard to get detail. The wedges for each month are small so detail is difficult.

Keeping a drawing and story of each icon was invaluable in catching up

Always having needle threaded and embroidery handy to just pick up and do.

I decided in February to make the icons all face the same way so the finished piece when framed didn’t need turning to view.

December 31st has a happy face icon as I finished what was a challenge. In New Zealand we are the first in the world to see the New Year in. 2023 a new project underway.

So many happy memories tied up in stitch.

A Beginning

I’ve signed up to participate in the Brooklyn Sketchbook. I have plenty of time until the deadline but I’m not one to leave things to the last minute.

At first I was excited as this was going to be something to work on over the next few months.

On opening the package I saw all the blank pages and felt a little daunted at filling them.

What am I going to put on each page and more importantly, what if I make a mistake. I’m gathering my thoughts and have a few ideas.

If you are keen to join up, the link is below.


Memories and Making

In 2012 my Grandson was smuggled out of New Zealand to Cape Town, South Africa. This left a huge gap in all our lives. 

To cope with the loss and to pass on family memories that I may never have the opportunity to share with him, I made him a book. 

I treasure these books. Not because I made them but because one day it will be a link to my Grandson. 

Each day I wonder what he is doing and where he is and if he receives the things I send.

My one book has grown into 8 books now. This will be his New Zealand family history. One day he will know he had a great family who were denied access to his precious world. 

One page is special as my late husband, his Grandfather wrote in the one of the books.  

This year Joseph was 8. We all love him and miss him

I call these Joseph Book’s

They measure 140mm x 75mm

Inside are drawings, photos, presents I've sent and cards I’ve made, copies of postcards about New Zealand, family photos and events, memories of times spent in the first 2 years of his life and jottings of what Bizzel, cat is up too.  



Triggers from the Christchurch Earthquake

What Triggers a new artwork? My Nana lived in Christchurch.

As a young child we holidayed with Nana and Papa. Nana couldn’t drive and the bus stop over the road was very convenient. She along with her sister would board the ‘goody red bus.’ With their super dress sense and handbags over their arm this was a weekly adventure culminating with afternoon tea at Beaths.

When the Christchurch earthquake struck 22nd February 2011 my mind went back to my early memories and wondering how my Nana would cope with the liquifaction, her beloved cathedral broken and the area she lived in red zoned. 

I painted a picture.  
