Who's up for a Challenge?
I took on the task of embroidering a “Puzzle."
The outline is done first with double cross stitch and then all the shapes filled in with whatever stitches and colours you choose. As I’m new to embroidery I chose the colours I had most of.
Cream, variegated cream and fawn, white and brown.
I darted all over the place filling in random shapes. It was fun to pick up and complete a small square.
At the end I added the lighter green as felt it needed that with some black and sparkly thread I bought.
This way it became more balanced with the colours spread out. I’m not one to plan a process. I make it up as I go.
The sparkly threads don’t show up well in the photo but in real life they dance across the canvas.
Sheaf stitch, Amadeus,sprats head, triangles, diamonds, Rhodes, Jessica’s, eyelets, smyrna’s, double cross stitch have now been handed to my vocabulary.
I used various thicknesses of thread from single DMC to Perle 8 and 5. Any thread works and can be layered for a special effect with texture.
The basic pattern can be found here but as I say I made up many other patterns.