Sherril Jennings

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Suitcases and Studio Storage

No matter how much space you have it never seems enough. My purpose built studio often has every surface covered with things. It's great to be able to create and return when time permits.

Sometimes I feel I've joined Pam Ayres poem about ‘Heaps of Stuff.’

I like to be surrounded by things as they are my inspiration for making but I can’t see my shelves dwindling too much.

It's amazing how recycled stuff can work as storage.

My tips for storage

I use a mapping drawers for my paper.

Cotton on wooden dowels

Yarn in wooden cubby holes

Old chest of drawers for knitting needles and magazines (these need sorting out!)

Cane basket with dividers for paint brushes

Old suitcases

Docket spike for Bernina bobbins