Entering an art competition for the first time is daunting. Your work is judged and your soul faces interrogation. Rejection and vulnerability is always on the cards.
There are many things to be learnt from entering though. Your confidence grows, you gain more inspiration, you evaluate your work and your portfolio is updated.
It takes time and thought but the satisfaction and joy of putting your art out there is rewarding.
You never know what the judges are looking for or how your work will contribute to a cohesive exhibition but entering is worth it for your own development.
My work is a bit different and weird.
Being selected for Changing Threads in Nelson in 2014 was a thrill but came with some anxious moments. How do you ship a work that is 6 feet by 7 feet? I hadn’t thought that through when I entered. A quick call to a friendly builder and ‘Gladys’ was created. A rather coffin like box that fitted in everything including detailed instructions of how to put it together.
This year being selected again has made my year.
Give entering an exhibition a go.